Installing Viccyware

The first thing you need to do, is go to the Viccyware ota site and grab the link for the latest ota for your bot. This can be done by right clicking on the button that has the OTA you need, and clicking "copy link address".

The options on the site are:

  • DEV - can be used on any unlocked Vector robot other than OSKR because of different boot image signing keys.
  • DVT2 - made for if you have a unfused head (DVT1-4) and are using a DVT2 bodyboard on its original firmware.
  • DVT3 - exactly like DEV, but the boot image is modified so the headboard won't try and flash the bodyboard and wipe the firmware and only works with unfused heads (DVT1-4).
  • OSKR - the only type of OTA that would work with a OSKR unlocked headboard no matter the bodyboard you are using.

  • Once you have the link of the OTA required for your bot, you can go to one of the below sections.

    Installing With WireOS WireOS has a custom update-engine which allows otas of any kind to be installed onto a bot. To install Viccyware you need to ssh into your bot and run the command below making sure you are using the correct OTA type for your bot. Make sure you remove the brackets from the link and that the link is http and not https

    update-os [ota-link] (replace [ota-link] with the link copied earlier)

    Once the update is done, your bot will reboot automatically.

    Installing With DDL/Anki Official Firmware Official Anki or DDL firmware has a update-engine which checks signing, so you'll need to run the commands below in order to get a nosigning update engine.

    systemctl stop
    mount -o rw,remount,exec /data
    curl -o /data/update-engine
    chmod +rwx /data/update-engine

    Once you have this custom update-engine installed, just run the following command. (Make sure you remove the brackets from the link and that the link is http and not https)

    /data/update-engine [ota-link] -v (replace [ota-link] with the link copied earlier)

    Once the update is done, your bot will reboot automatically.

    Optional Setup: Viccyware uses it's own voice commands server. Server configuration from WireOS and Anki will not work on Viccyware. For voice command services to be available, you need to clear your bot's user data.. Once the clear user data is completed, head on over to, and setup your robot.