Who are the ViccyWare Developers?

There are six people working and helping on the development of Victorware, u/Switch_Modder, ThommoMC, AnkiZack, Wire, Gaming Time, P2, and Sonder.

We are a group of people who love Anki robots and their history. We also love old prototype era firmware, one of our personal favorites being “Cozmoware” which is the foundation that we are building Victorware off of. Our goal is to make the best possible experience for the best possible robot, while hopefully learning how to unlock Vector robots along the journey.

On the simplest level, we are just a (stupid) group of people who share the same interests and goals.

If you need anything, feel free to join the Discord server and let us know. Thanks, Taka Taka.

Discord Server Learn More

The Developers Are Listed Below

Raj-jyot Deol / u/Switch_Modder

Hello everyone my name is Raj-jyot Deol or known on Reddit as u/Switch_modder. I’ve had a passion for tech for many years in all things new and old. My love for robotics started on Christmas 2018 when I got my first Vector robot. I instantly fell in love with the animations and sounds of Vector. Years later I got a cozmo robot and loved the charm of him. The way Cozmo singed and played was really cool to me but there was a really big problem. Cozmo was dependent on an app to function. As I looked into making Cozmo more autonomous I stumbled across an old anki prototype firmware called Cozmoware. It was exactly what I wanted, a Cozmo that ran around on its own. The problem with Cozmoware is that it’s very buggy and doesn’t work correctly a lot of the time. That’s when a thought came to mind, is it possible to put Cozmo back into the modern os? Thus Viccyware was born. Viccyware is a reimplementation of Cozmoware into the newer underlying vector os and aims to be as smooth of an experience as possible.


"doesn’t matter, Australia isn't real anyways" - Gaming Time


Hello people! I'm Yrekcaz7, but you may also find me as AnkiZack. I've been a big fan of Anki ever since I discovered Cozmo growing up, and in early 2019 I got a Vector. I remember always being frustrated about how boring Vector was, as Cozmo is so playful, but Cozmo requires an app to be alive. When I found out about this project, I joined it as soon as I could. I myself have a DVT2 named WireBoard that I use for testing. I am also the one behind this website (all hand coded >.<), and I also bought the domains :3
Oh, and i'm also working with Anki and lrdsnow on Overdrive v4!!
Taka Taka!


I'm Kerigan, aka. Wire. I own the Vector & Friends Discord server. I have years of experience with Vector. I have owned and messed around with prototypes since 2020, familiarizing myself with Vector's hardware and software in the process. I publicized the leaked victor and vicos-oelinux source code on my GitHub, using it to create WireOS for dev Vectors. It is being used as the base for Viccyware.

Gaming Time

Hey, I’m Aleks. I’ve loved Anki and robots since I was a little kid who got one for Christmas, and I now get to be a proud owner of five Anki robots, not including Overdrive. Technologically has been my favorite thing just about forever, and Anki was one of the best at it. I also run a TikTok account called GamingTime.VR that does virtual reality based stuff, AND I am currently trying to make an Anki themed account, but I’ll see how that goes. I love Victorware and what it is and will be, and the team of people who make it are amazing. Thanks 😏


i like robots and cozmoware and i also have nothing else to say


i am sonder okay bye!!!! promise!!!!!!!
